Why Alison Kelly?
What a great question. Why use Alison-Kelly.com? Why can’t we all just visit the first site that pops up? What could be the harm?
Alison has painstakingly picked only the best sites that make life easier.

We all use the internet for a myriad of things, so it means more chances to either waste time or get frustrated.
If you use Alison-Kelly.com though, we can ease your stress and save you time.
Every link you click on in our directory is personally approved by Alison herself, who comes from years of employment in website-based work.
There are no weak links. They are all prime examples of what we want – or expect – the web to be.
Viruses, pop-up advertisements, slow-moving displays. Let’s not start on the dreaded loading wheel which steals precious minutes away from you. Alison-Kelly.com is the Police of the web, and Judge and Jury. What that means is that if you use this Directory, the web is a safe place to visit – and more effective than ever.
Alison also realises that the internet is a tool used for so many reasons. Its place in your day-to-day life is bigger than ever. So a Website Directory like this becomes more important than ever.
Who doesn’t want to save time?
Alison doesn’t rest on her laurels either. Her passion for everything-internet means the Directory grows whenever a site is discovered that makes the Gold Standard that Alison requires.
Alison-Kelly.com is the site that makes web-surfing easier. Our Directory includes only the very best, and Alison’s experience means you will agree that every link is a sure-fire hit.
We have done the legwork, separated the wheat from the chaff, so you don’t have to.
The result is more time for you, and less stress. Alison-Kelly.com is a Website Directory which gives the rubber stamp of approval for every single link we include.
So rest easy and enjoy the web the way it was meant to be. Alison-Kelly.com is on your side and has your back.
Alison-Kelly.com is the reason bookmarks were made.